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RadioShack aims to increase sales via mobile marketing campaign

The company is running targeted mobile banner ads within Pandora. The ads take consumers to an optimized page where they can buy items they need.

“Radio Shack is basing a lot of its business on selling mobile phones, especially Android devices, so running targeted ads to Pandora users who are looking to upgrade their iPhone or other older phones is a wise tactic,” said Michael Martin, senior SEO strategist of mobile at Covario.

“The key will be in whatever specific product the ad is promoting to provide the mobile user easy navigation to the nearest store location all the while affirming that store has that item in stock,” he said.

Mr. Martin is not affiliated with RadioShack. He commented based on his expertise on the subject.

RadioShack did not respond to press inquiries.

RadioShack, Fort Worth, TX, is a national retailer of technology products and services. It began sponsoring Team RadioShack, co-owned by Mr. Armstrong, in 2009.

Buy me
The mobile banner ad reads “Wherever You Are, There’s a RadioShack Nearby. Find A Store.”

The mobile banner ad

When consumers tap on the mobile ad they are redirected to a mobile landing page where they can find the closest location.

Additionally, customers can shop by category including new back-to-school products, which RadioShack is advertising on its mobile site.

Consumers can shop by category

Consumers can also search for a specific item, check their cart and view a weekly ad.

The company is also using social features such as Facebook and Twitter and letting consumers share their favorite finds with family and friends.

Mobile initiative
This is not the company’s first foray into mobile.

In 2008, RadioShack ran full-screen ads within Greystripe mobile games to increase awareness of and purchase consideration for the consumer electronics retail chain.

The full-screen ads asked consumers to click through to find a store near them via state, city and ZIP code. Greystripe teamed up with marketing research firm InsightExpress to gauge the effectiveness of the campaign using mobile-specific research tool Mobile AdInsights (see story).

In addition, last year RadioShack and are promoted their brands with a new mobile application focused on Lance Armstrong’s cycling group, Team RadioShack.

The Team RadioShack application gave users access to exclusive news, photos and video coverage of the team. The Team RadioShack application was developed after LiveStrong noticed there was sufficient interest among the team’s mobile-savvy fans (see story).

“Mobile-optimized landing pages are critical for mobile users to induce further action; the key here is to make it ‘app like’ such as using JQuery to provide simple touch and swipe options in finding a nearby location, ‘click’ touch to call, or using a mobile coupon as well direct ordering on the device itself,” Mr. Martin.