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The company is working with Digby to develop the mobile site. believes that the mobile site will help enhance customer loyalty and help the company gain insight on buying behavior.

“’s key strategy is to provide their valuable customers with access to their fashionable products anytime, anywhere,” said Dan Lowden, vice president of marketing at Digby, Dallas.

“’s mobile-optimized Web site will be designed to allow consumers to search, browse and buy products while at home and on the go, and to empower customers with additional product knowledge through rich product descriptions, special offers and promotions, and ratings and reviews,” he said.

7GeGe has five branches in China and has the mall-brand 7GeGe in the Taobao Store and the individual fashion ecommerce platform, where it sells clothes, woman shoes and accessories.

Digby provides mobile commerce services designed specifically for retailers.

Mobile offers
Through the new mobile site, consumers will be able to research and buy items.

The mobile site will feature product photographs, complete product descriptions and let consumers shop by category.

Additionally, the mobile site will include a store locator and email signup so that 7GeGe can build its database and reach out to customers with new products or sales.

Consumers will also be able to track their orders, as well as view ratings and reviews and browse promotional offers.

“By enabling a mobile-optimized Web site, has the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with their valuable customers through enhanced shopper engagement which, in effect, drives customer loyalty, satisfaction, awareness and sales,” Mr. Lowden said.

Perfect timing
Smartphone adoption and mobile commerce in China is growing rapidly.

In China alone, smartphone shipments are expected to increase 53 percent this year according to ISH iSuppli China Electronics Supply Chain service and mobile Internet users, which was at 288 million at the end of 2010, is expected to more than double by 2012.

“Now is the time for Chinese retailers to go mobile to meet the quickly increasing mobile demands of their consumers,” Mr. Lowden said.

“7GeGe will promote the mobile optimized Web site across all of their sales channels and through traditional marketing efforts,” he said.

Final Take
Rimma Kats is staff reporter on Mobile Commerce Daily, New York