ARCHIVES: This is legacy content from before Industry Dive acquired Mobile Commerce Daily in early 2017. Some information, such as publication dates, may not have migrated over. Check out our topic page for the latest mobile commerce news.

Mobile Minutes: Swatch, Visa team up; Amazon gets primed; The future of TV; Older smartphones

Amazon, the king of ecommerce, gets primed for 2016
If it weren’t for Prime, Amazon might have just been the name of a river in South America.
Read more on CNET

How giant tablets could be the future of television
Today’s televisions are smarter than ever. Thanks to on-board intelligence or devices like the Apple TV or Roku, TVs can, for the first time, run apps like Netflix or Amazon Instant Video.
Read more on Time

For some people, the older the smartphone, the better
Between splashy launches, lavish new-phone offers (get a free HDTV on activation!) and frequent software updates that slow down your old handset, it sometimes feels like the entire technology industry is pushing you to buy the latest smartphone. Yet some holdouts resist.
Read more on ABC News