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Chivas Regal looks to popularize Scotch whisky with mobile bar code effort

The brand invited qualified participants over 21 to opt-in to join the Chivas Brotherhood for access to tastings and special events and also enter for a chance to win a trip for four to Scotland. Chivas Regal worked with SpyderLynk, creator of the SnapTag mobile bar code, and Omnicom Group ad agency Alcone Marketing Group and

“Mobile, especially SnapTags, allows the brand an ability to engage consumers in a highly personal, interactive and direct conversational way,” said Allison Font, account executive at Alcone.

“For Chivas this means a simple age gate and a simple way to collect the consumer’s email address,” she said.

Promotional material showed an ad with four men in their thirties and forties toasting with Chivas. The headline reads, “Join the Chivas Brotherhood. Reap the rewards.”

Consumers were encouraged to access the tastings and special events and enter for the chance to visit Scotland by snapping the photo of the SnapTag and sending it to short code 95871 to join. They could also participate by visiting the site at

Running through May 15, the initiative pushed the Chivas Regal 12- and 18-year Scotch whiskies.

The promotion was a joint effort of Chivas and Urbandaddy.

Here is a Q&A with Alcone’s Ms. Font and Jane McPherson, chief marketing officer of SpyderLynk:

What is the strategy here for Chivas Regal?
Ms. Font: The Chivas Brotherhood is a 360-degree concept that includes in-store POS, online media, social media and events components and leverages the need for men to bond together.

Ms. McPherson: The SnapTag allows Chivas to engage any consumer with a mobile camera phone across media platforms and activate a deeper, sustainable brand relationship.

Why mobile?
Ms. Font: Mobile, specifically SnapTags, allows the brand an ability to engage consumers in a highly personal, interactive and direct conversational way. For Chivas this means a simple age gate and a simple way to collect the consumer’s email address.

Ms. McPherson: Using the SnapTag ensures the mobile activation is widely accessible as the SnapTag works for any consumer with a mobile camera phone and messaging – even consumers without mobile browsing capabilities.

Ms. Font: The Chivas Brotherhood was also hosted though a Chivas-sponsored section of the UrbanDaddy iPhone app, allowing members to engage and interact with the program at all times.

How did you get the word out about this?
Ms. Font: The program was driven and promoted through in-store POS – SnapTag is featured on all POS materials – promotional advertising, digital components, brand ambassadors, microsite hosted by UrbanDaddy, Urban Daddy mobile app, local print and email newsletters.

How does mobile go hand in hand with Chivas’ overall initiatives?
Ms. Font: Mobile brings the program to life in an experiential way. It encourages off-premise gatherings and interactions with the consumer’s closest group of “Brothers.”
Mobile also generates viral marketing and awareness of the program. It allows the brand to build a database of contacts for future events.

Ms. McPherson: Chivas chose a SnapTag rather than a QR code because it more effectively represents their brand identity and is so widely accessible to their entire target market.

What else do you have coming up, mobile wise?
Ms. Font: Chivas Brotherhood is expected to be an ongoing program with continuous consumer engagement in the months to come.